My goal this year was to start a blog and newsletter. Since I have to work around my day job, I've been taking it slow so I don't overwhelm myself. Which I easily do . . . can you say "over-thinker"?
Recently I was forcefully reminded why I wanted to have a way to connect with you outside of social media. A hacker managed to infiltrate my Instagram account in a way that got my Facebook account disabled. Then a week later my Instagram account was shut down. I tried following the instructions to get my accounts reinstated, but to no avail.
I understandably freaked out a bit. I've posted so many memories on Facebook, cyber stalked friends and family (LOL) and I share my business through Instagram. Now how was I supposed to connect with clients, friends and family.
Thankfully a friend was able to help me get back into Instagram. I am still trying to regain access to my Facebook account.
This experience lit a fire and helped me realize it's time to get myself out there in other ways. So here we are . . .
Welcome to My Blog!
This blog will be a place for me to share photo tips, session tips, client sessions, answer frequently asked questions, talk about all things photography and take you along on my crazy life adventures. I hope you enjoy the ride!